
When I was asked to preach on Father's Day, I wanted to encourage men instead of beating them up, as so many Father's Day sermons do. I felt my prayers were answered when I got this email. 

Good evening,

My family and I have been attending CHCC for a little less than a year.  My wife and I have two girls - and I recently started serving on the worship team.

I wanted to express my appreciation for the Father’s Day message today. As the sermon progressed, sitting next to my wife and daughter, I soon found my eyes were wet with tears.  I fought back openly crying.

At first, I was confused - what exactly had done it? I’m still processing, but I think it had something to do with the unrelenting affirmation. You’re okay; you’re doing a great job; you’re valued; you’re loved. You’re enough.

Maybe it’s that it feels so easy to look down on men, and masculinity, these days. Maybe there’s just so little time spent actually allowing praise and validation for men in our culture, for any number of reasons.

Regardless, it was deeply moving. It was cathartic. And it encouraged me to be an even better dad. I’m so appreciative of Gary’s words, and the way he was able to inspire the guys of CHCC today.

Thank you.

If you're a dad who needs encouragement; a woman or man who wants to come to grips with your dad's own failings; or a young adult who has taken your father for granted, you might find some inspiration here. 


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