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Rescued or Entitled? How You View Yourself Makes All the Difference

There are many points in Scripture that challenge and confront the way we naturally view ourselves and God. The only way to thrive in Christ is to submit to God's perspective; otherwise, we'll be fighting him, and fighting God is futile. He's always right, and He holds the reins. When I talk to people who are bitter toward God, there is almost always a sense of entitlement behind their bitterness, as if God hasn't held up His end of the bargain. When we see what Scripture actually promises and how God has over-delivered on that, we can move to the intimacy-building and worship-producing perspective that we have been rescued. The battle over worship begins in our hearts--do we see ourselves as ones who are entitled, and thus justified in our grievance toward God, or ones who have been rescued and treated far better than we deserve? 


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